I want to write something a bit happy for a change. For those of you following me on this journey – thank you. I appreciate all of you who are willing to cry along with me. I hope this post makes you smile.
This morning, friends from our church, Pastors Jono and Nicole, came over with their three gorgeous kids. They brought Lego and smiles for Bryson who loved the attention (he never gets sick of attention that kid).
Nicole brought me a beautiful Sugar Blossom bracelet that says HOPE and has a B engraved on a heart charm. It is such a thoughtful gift. I love it. Bryson says that the B stands for Bryson and that if it doesn’t (because I think he knows it doesn’t) the bracelet needs another B. I didn’t know what to say to that.
Our pastors also brought incredibly generous gifts from our church community. Gift certificates to the zoo, and the Children’s Museum, the spa, the Lego Store and many other places where we can create meaningful memories. It was a bit overwhelming honestly. Thank you to the friends and acquaintances who shared in that outpouring of love.
And just this evening, I saw an email from the St. Boniface Hospital Foundation letting me know that close to $1500 has been raised to make improvements to the NICU family room. Thank you thank you thank you to everyone who contributed. Thank you. I believe sincerely that this is an incredibly important space to offer some moments of quiet and calm for NICU families.
If you haven’t contributed and want to, please call 204-230-2067 or donate online at http:/saintboniface.ca/foundation/donate.
After I read that email, I noticed one from the South Pointe Residents’ Group letting me know that they would like to work with our neighbourhood’s developer, Ladco, and with the city to name a park after Brody.
Then I cried. But for the first time in weeks, my tears weren’t all sad.
Today was filled with good and generosity and love. It spoke right to my heart. It reminded me that in the midst of this bleak, scary point in our journey, my family is surrounded by hope and light. It’s not easy to see it or feel it sometimes, but today we saw it and felt it and that was wonderful.
Thank you.
Now, do me one more favour and please smile.
We had 16 Sweet months with Brody. His whole life was a miracle and we miss him already… Bryson keeps asking me if I can count to infinity, and as usual, his words bring such comfort…About 3 months ago I had a dream that I went to heaven. I felt so excited to get to finally meet God. I felt like a child on Christmas morning. Everything else,my time on earth, just seemed to fade away. All the mistakes I had made, all the tears I had cried, became like a distant dream I could let go of. This life to me has always felt like a dress rehearsal for the next. I struggle to make each day meaningful,but I am so looking forward to the second act..Forever.. A piece of my heart has left this earth,but I am infinately grateful that I know where you are.
I strongly felt the presence of our Lord with you and with me the day that Brody left us and we were in his room. I felt Him telling us that Brody’s sweet life was going to do so much to enhance His kingdom. I read that being brought full circle while reading today’s blog. He was our miracle boy!! It was such an honor to be his Mimi!! My brain knew that I was not a “biological” g-grandparent, but my heart surely didn’t know a difference. Mimi I will remain to Brody & Bryson….forever. Love our boys!!