Thoughts for the New Year

Three years ago today, we were bringing Brody home from the NICU. I don’t remember thinking much about resolutions that year – I was just incredibly relieved and grateful to bring him home. One year later, we were celebrating how miraculously well he was doing and how bright his future looked. We went into 2017 expecting good things. Instead, his precious life ended not long after when he was just 16 months old.

This unimaginable loss affected every area of my life. It caused me to confront everything I believed to be true, and certainly raised questions about what makes a life significant.

Going into 2019, I’d love to share with you a few of the truths that have meant the most to me. I hope they inspire you also as you set out to create meaning this year.

  • I’d rather be who I want to be than have what I want to have or do what I want to do.

Our job title or our marital status etc etc do not define who we are. You might be living the life of your dreams on the outside, but if you aren’t happy with your values on the inside, everything will feel wrong. One of the most powerful books I read after Brody died was Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Honestly, I can’t recite the seven habits, but what will never leave me is his teaching on living a values-centred life. We all have something at the centre of our life – money, work, family, status – but we aren’t all aware of what that something is. Covey writes how we need to recognize the motives behind our decisions and then intentionally recentre our lives around values such as bravery, honesty and love.     

As I go into 2019, I am not focused on a resolution; I am working on a realignment. I want all of my decisions to flow from intentional values and beliefs – which brings me to my second life lesson:

  • True change is from the inside.

As you set goals for 2019, remember that a quick fix will never stick. So often we seek out a bandaid instead of embracing the inner-work required to create our best lives. Though I would never try to rationalize tragedy, my own inspired me to look inward and tackle the unhealthy perspectives and practices that held me back. Don’t wait for a dramatic moment in life to pursue new ideas. You can begin changing from the inside as soon as you’re willing to confront your belief systems.

  • Whatever happens, respond with love.

You can imagine that after the death of a child, your sense of security is shattered. For a long time after we lost Brody, I wondered if I would ever feel safe again, or if I’d just live worrying about what tragedy would befall me next. To reclaim peace, I had to acknowledge that I cannot stop all bad things from happening, but I can commit to respond to those things in love. That is truly the only real power we have. We are at the mercy of so much, but we are in control of how we respond, and acknowledging that helps me go into the New Year hopeful and empowered instead of afraid.

  • Wonderful things can happen when you’re brave enough to try.

On New Year’s Day 2018, I announced on social media that I was pregnant with a healthy baby boy. Today, I am writing this with a video monitor next to me so I can watch my rainbow baby sleep.

The greatest rewards in life often come from taking risks and trying something new. In 2019, don’t merely make resolutions to solve problems – that’s like driving just to avoid potholes. Look up and decide who you want to be at the end of this year and beyond. Set a goal based on your values and move toward it. If you change from the inside out, the change will last and be authentic.

Thanks to everyone whose shared in this journey with me over the past year and half. All the best to you in 2019!

5 Replies to “Thoughts for the New Year”

  1. Love you more than you let me tell you the last couple years. I’m so happy Jayce is here. Hope 2019 brings peace in knowing. He will never let us be tested beyond what we can bare? Don’t know which bare. That was a though one. But now we have both Bryson and Jayce and Brody is not lost but around the corner up ahead. Love you.

    1. Thank you, Rossana. I remember when I first came back to work after Brody passed – you welcomed me so warmly and kindly. It meant so much to me. Honestly, I’ll never forget it. God bless you and yours as well.

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